Inspire And Communicate With Confidence

Whether You Are A Beginner Or Looking To Improve As A Speaker. Learn The Art Of...

  • Preparation & Presentation

    Learn what great speakers know and do behind the scenes in their preparation and presentation and how to deal with the fear of public speaking. Two thirds of effective public speaking happens behind the scenes.

  • Connection & Communication

    Learn the art of connecting with your audience from the start and how to communicate effectively with them for the purpose of your message. Inspire and move your audience to action.

  • On Camera Performance

    Learn how to effectively speak and dress for on camera presentations. How to use a teleprompter and not look and sound like you are reading. Adjust body language for on camera presenting along with how to handle interview questions from the media.

Public Speaking and Media Mastery Program

Connect, Communicate, Inspire, Move To Action

Course curriculum in progress

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About this course

  • Free
  • 0 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Public Speaking & Media Mastery Coaches

Steve Kane

Leadership Coach & Trainer

Meet Steve, a dynamic leader and John Maxwell Speaker, Coach, and Leadership Trainer. With a passion for transformation, Steve has played a pivotal role in the growth of thousands of individuals both nationally and internationally. His extensive influence empowers leaders and teams to maximise their personal and professional potential. Specialising in leadership development, Steve's expertise is sought after across diverse sectors, including corporate entities, local government agencies, Small To Medium Businesses, Churches, Schools, Not for Profits, volunteer organisations, and individuals striving to enhance their effectiveness and influence. With Steve by your side, you'll embark on a journey of personal and professional growth, equipped with practical tools and insights to thrive in today's ever-changing landscape. Unlock your full potential and elevate your leadership journey with Steve's transformative coaching.

Kristina Savka

Signature Style Strategist & Camera Confidence Coach

Kristina is a highly energetic transformational leader, coach, speaker and trainer. She has impacted the lives of thousands of individuals sharing the power of creating their biggest impact for business and personal life. A true master at helping people create their own signature style brand and owning their presence on camera so they can amplify their impact.
 Kristina brings a wealth of experience spanning over 35 years of involvement in diverse roles within the fashion and media industries. Supporting clients so they truly shine is Kristina’s specialty. 
 Kristina has dedicated over three decades collaborating, empowering and supporting some of the most established and well-known leaders in their field of coaching, Television and entrepreneurship to amplify their visibility, confidence and impact so they can be seen, heard and make a difference.
 Kristina believes that when intelligent style and magnetic presence unite, you can amplify your personal brand and create magnificent impact instantly. With Kristina’s expert eye for detail... get ready to make your biggest impact!

Be A Speaker That Connects, Communicates Effectively And Inspires To Action

Get started on your journey now